Serge Castillo

Serge Castillo

His art

Serge Castillo’s creations, with their intense expressions, are strikingly human. Inspired from real people as well as from fiction, his subjects come from a variety of eras and contexts – for instance, the Spanish Civil War, classical theatre, a school in the 50s, etc. He has sculpted the busts of fictional characters such as Don Quixote and Don Juan, and well-known artists such as Van Gogh, Dali and Frida Khalo.

His life

Born in France in 1951, Serge Castillo is also strongly influenced by his Spanish origins. He learned the art of painting during a lengthy stay in Andalusia. Since his return to France however, he put his heart and soul into sculpting. He dabbled at wood carving and stone cutting but ended up selecting clay modelling as his preferred means of expression.

Serge Castillo


Cultural or artistic influences

The techniques used

Showing all 5 results

  • Serge Castillo – Fillette aux couettes

    Categories: ,
    Fillette aux couettes : 27 x 18 x 16 ...
  • Serge Castillo – Frascuelo S. XIX

    Categories: ,
    Frascuelo S. XIX : 10 x 14 x 5 ...
  • Serge Castillo – Garçonnet à la casquette

    Categories: ,
    Garçonnet à la casquette : 29 x 15 x ...
  • Serge Castillo – Rhinocéros acrobate

    Categories: ,
    Sculpture en bronze Rhinocéros acrobate : 21 x 13 X ...
  • Serge Castillo – Sagesse

    Categories: ,
    Sagesse : 20 x 10 x 7 cm Sculpture en ...